Monday, 22 June 2015

The funny thing about education

Just think about it, education its not exactly compulsory but necessary, the funny thing is I don't even believe it for everyone. You will agree with me that there are a lot of Nigerians who go through school and end up not needing their certificate or end up in the labour market without employment. I saw a picture the other day, of a first class graduate with "juju" broomstick on his neck, trekking with his cv, looking for job.

When am talking about education I mean the formal education. Not everybody is meant to have a formal education. Sure the basics are needed, i:e the basic knowledge to read and write after that, formal education is not quite necessary. From a very young age, it is normal for everyone to grow up exhibiting either the potential for so. Thinbor the love of something. And depending on the talents, parents should know the way to go with the child. Wether formal education is for him or otherwise.

What Nigerian parents do, usually is to disregard this potential for future talent and try to tailor the child to their own taste. Earlier times, there were three professions every child was expected to be. Either a lawyer, doctor or an engineer. If everybody becomes just these three, who will manufacture goods, who will invest or account for money, who will grow food, who will manage the government, Who will do the other jobs?

For instance, when parents notice their child to have a potential for art, let's say the child has been drawing from age two, you would think the parents would encourage it. But instead, they'd beat the potential out of him or discourage him and try to force something else on him. What's wrong with wanting to dance, sing or paint life or marvel the world with poetry or invent something new?

I think to myself everyday that if I had been trained in the ways of business, investing and entrepreneurship from the age of two, I'd be a billionaire now. So instead of spending sixteen years to acquire a certificate I would never use or need only to end up starting a business I would have started sixteen years ago or end up in a job I won't be happy with and be terrible at. Considering these facts, my lot would have been better if I didn't go to school at all.

Nearly everybody who has a talent for arts is familiar with this. You tell your parents about what you like or what you are good at like for instance you meet your dad and tell him I wanna dance that's what I want to do. As a girl, you parents will go "are you crazy, is something wrong with you? Don't you know it's only prostitute that's dance? You want to waste your life Shey? You want to be one of those girls that expose themselves in all those music videos Shey" They say this not understand there are so many forms of dance and if it makes u happy and if you're good at it they should let u. As a guy you look your dad straight in the eye and tell him you want to go into music and he tells you this "is something wrong with you, you most have started smoking, you want to waste your life Shey? You want to be doing nigga, yo, yo on television Shey? Don't you know it's only drop out that do music? You need deliverance." or if you were much younger, your parents would try to beat the talent out of you.

It a good thing, times are changing gradually but the mentality still exist. How many doctors, lawyers and engineers are out there without anything to do, in Nigeria it doesn't matter what you study, the fact still remains if you're not extraordinary, you'd just be like the rest of us. It's different if you have the passion for one of these and you really want to not do for yourself and not because of parental pressure. Passion makes all the differences because passion makes one extraordinary while without passion you'd just be empty, terrible at your job chosen by your parents and living a miserable, unfulfilled life.

Most Nigerians have limited dreams because of the kind of society and family we grew up in or with. A typical Nigerian has very little ambition in life. We are born, we grow up, we go to school, we finish well, we get a good job, we get married, build family, and then we die what's the point? Where's the fulfilment in that? It's like we live to continue the family tree and nothing more, living without making any real impact on society. I grew up in a home were talent especially artistic talent was not encouraged, I had to hide these things I was actually good at and develop them in secret. And when I tried to express them, I would be told I was only thinking like a child. I was expected to read and read only. Half of those times my parents thought I was reading I was actually drawing. After a while, I kinda gave up on been my own individual and tried to flow with the stream of society but deep down, I knew it wasn't my way. Today if I had a child and I discovered that he's good in let's say music, after the basic learning how to read and write, he would do not but music. I'd gt him enrolled into a music school instead of a conventional school.

Now people are finally beginning to understand that it's not just enough to go to school and come out with first class because in the country we live in now, there's no job waiting for anyone, instead onku those with creative, innovative minds are surviving with ease. Now people are trying to go into entrepreneurship after wasting time in school acquiring a certificate useless to them or rendered useless by society. They now try to acquire skills to be self-employed and universities are also encouraging the study of entrepreneurship and adding it to their curriculum.

The most successful people in the world, without mentioning names are either school dropouts or didn't even bother to go in the first and instead used theymir time for better things. Doesn't that tell that though education is good and quite important expecially the basics, it limits ones potential and does not allow them to reach their maximum heights. How many first class do you see today making an impart on society. They are out there with the rest of us looking for jobs from those who didn't bother to either go or complete school.

Parents need to learn to allow their children to grow God giving potentials and creativity rather than force formal education on them. I think the more creativity is encouraged in society, the better the society would be in future and the less we would have bitter, frustrated Nigerians login unfulfilled lives. God bless 9ga o.

Funny thing about abortion

Just think about it, I personally wonder why abortion was made legal in some country, I personally think it's not right. I have seen a lot of girls get pregnant at out wedlock and stuff. It was always cool when you're doing it, right lol But when it backfires, girls go crazy and guys run away. Usually. The funny thing about abortion is that when you ask most girls about it if they can or cannot do an abortion, those girls always tend to go if they got pregnant they would keep the baby and stuff. If only it was that easy, won't we all keep it.

I have girls who went all "I will never do an abortion, if I ever get pregnant ganant I'd keep the baby" and then when they get pregnant the story changes it goes "how will I face my parents, oh the Shame oh the stigma" and the lament about it until at the end go I can't keep this baby and get rid of it. Personally am totally anti-abortion all the way but I usually think to myself if I ever get a girl pregnant, especially a girl I don't like would I be brave enough to keep the baby? Well I often tell myself I would. But the truth is until you're actually faced with that kind of decision, you can't say actually what you'd do.

I really respect girls who get pregnant and had the boldness to face it all and not take the easy way out. It not easy to have an abortion, to actually kill something that's alive, no be beans oooo. As I dey Sef I fit kill chicken. Abortion is not easy o, if you know someone who has done it, ask them. From hear say, I hear it like super painful, maybe labour-pain painful I not sure, and you run the risk of either losing your life or never giving birth again, like if the doctor dey crazy, he will just up root your womb completely. Abortion is so illegal in his country that for even giving someone an address to get it done, you could be arrested. I have an idiot friend who actually feel victim of his from his stupidity and no be him even give the girl belle oo, imagine looking for such wahala.

Anyway doing an abortion takes serious balls but keeping a baby out of wedlock, especially when the guy Denys it or worse runs away to cotonuo, changes his identity and starts selling socks, three for fifty naira to avoid been a dad, is even harder and takes bigger balls. I respect girls who don't do an abortion but frankly I respect girls who don't even get pregnant at all even more. It really difficult to decide to keep a baby even you didn't want. Especially knowing that it would affect everything in your life, you might either have to stop school or go to school heavy making it difficult and you should consider the stigma too. We can trust Nigerians to do that to you. Especially if you're a girl nobody expected would get pregnant. Then all those busy bodies would go "eh so this girl is like this all this while and she was pretending to be good. God Don catch am" No be God catch her, so to speak she was just unfortunate.

Guys Sef, most guys, not excluding me are so reckless. They don't even think about it sometimes. Because no be you go carry the belle Shey? A friend once told me if guys were made to carry the first pregnancy and experience labour and the whole nine months ish, they would never have sex again talk less of an unprotected one. I remember my younger days, I had a girlfriend whom I tot got pregnant for me. I no go lie o, fear catch me. I was so scared like I was thinking to myself I was ready to go married neither was I ready to have a kid. It would ruin my plans for life.

I went home, that was before she got it confirmed, and I was thinking, if she really was pregnant what would I do? Would I have the balls to keep the baby. Though what if she decided she didn't want it. I was so concerned and it was also during exam time. What would happen if she was, I'd be devastated true but I said I'd keep the baby. Then, that day, that was the day before she took the test. I was in my bathroom, I sat on the toilet bowl and prayed for the first time in months and I wasn't close to God then. I said to him "God, if this girl is not pregnant, I would go to church everyday and I would change. I would never look at women again in my life" that was the prayer I made is what fear can cause?

Well the next day she had the test and called me to come over. I was like I don die, this girl Don get belle, my life is over. When I got there, she was like she was pregnant. My heart just cut. Then she said she was two months pregnant and I had only known her for one month. I no go lie o, I had never been so relived in my life. I was like I guess god did not abandoned me, turns out her ex-boyfriend was the father and she had been pregnant the whole time I knew her. Crazy right? Well the point is that she was really brave about the whole thing, though she cried like everyday. True I was relieved but I felt such pity for her to be so unfortunate. It wasn't her fault it was life. I tried to encourage her not to get rid of it, and was there for her the whole time. Not as a boyfriend though but as a friend. And she was really been so brave about it. The only problem was that she then decided to get rid of the baby behind my back and lied to me that a doctor told her something was wrong with the baby and she had to get rid of it. After I saw a conversation she had with a friend about no longer having the strength to keep the baby. The point am trying to make is that it's not easy.

Don't laugh or mock people who get Into though situation. The promise I had made to God I didn't keep, been young and stupid. And still continued. How I never got any girl pregnant God knows. The whole point is that even if though keeping an unwanted baby is probably the hardest situation anybody in that situation will probably ever face and even though abortion seems to be the easy, quickest way out, but at the end, it will pay not to do it, at least in the long run, cause at first you'll probably even regretting keeping the baby, but it's worth it.

The funny thing about suicide

Just think about it, I live in a country where a lot of things happen. But suicide isn't really one of them. Do you know Japan is one of the countries with the highest rates of suicide in the world? People are always killing themselves over very dumb issues basically because their emotional threshold is not as strong as that in Nigeria. We Nigerians can take anything. It like it never happens, like one in a billion. But even in those cases, they are usually new generation Nigerians who act like they are American. Nigerians don't just have the balls to kill themselves. A typical Nigerian who plans a suicide will also plan a rescue mission for himself.

Quick example, a guy is fend up with life and decides to kill himself. He decides he's going to make a cocktail mix of Ariel, make a toast to his life, drink it and die. He takes the detergent looks at it for a while, then pours it in a bucket and begins to wash his clothes realise it's just not worth it.

Another instance where he decides to hang himself, he would take a rope to somewhere he knows someone would pass and see him, then he'd tie it into a nuzzle, stand on a stool and put that nuzzle in his hand and wait. As soon as he sees someone passing, he would put the nuzzle on his neck and then threaten to kill himself loudly saying "I will kill myself o"

Depending on the kind of person that comes by, two scenarios would play. The first one is if the person is nice, he would probably begg him out to do it and being Nigerian and stubborn, the suicidee(allow me to use that made up word ooo) would insist on killing himself, naturally the nice Nigerian would give up and decide to leave him to his decision which would change as soon as the person opinion changes. This will result to him going back home without killing himself.

The Second scenario that might play will involve a Nigeria who probably just doesn't give a shit(mind my language) the same situation the suicidee sees someone coming and screams that he'd kill himself but this time the person encourages him to kill himself that what's he's business. He even goes further been a good, bad Samaritan and kicks the stool from under him. Now on the verge of dying, the suicidee begs to be saved now realising it not worth it, at the end of the day he gets rescued but picks a fight with his good, bad Samaritan for trying to kill him.

Another classic scenario is a Nigerian who goes to the top of a building is in tears and screams that he would jump and kill himself if nothing is done, the police is called and they arrive very late keeping the suicidee to wait for hours. After they arrive, the suicidee repeats he's threats
"I will jump o" he screams
"jump now" replies the police
"we don't have all day joor" They add
"am not joking I will jump oo" he screams again
"ohh if u want to jump, jump some of us have jobs unlike u" They reply back
"I will jump except you gimme money" he says again
Now this time the police lose their patience and says to him "guy, nobody has money to give you,if you wan jump, jump. Abi u want me to come and push you by myself...?" he ask
At this point the man about to commit suicide is now truly scared and then replies "don't worry I will come down by myself"
"guy don't worry don't come down again just jump, in fact am coming up to push you down" says the policeman
No sooner after he said that, the suicidee comes down and they proceed on giving him the beating of his life inches away from death. At this point the man will never try it again. They also charged him for attempted suicide and fraud in the sense that he was trying to scam people by faking attempted suicide end of story

We are Nigerians, suicide has never been the answer, we strive, we survive, we have reasons to kill ourselves but we don't because we hope, that's why we are rated one of the happiest people in the world. I have never exactly been to Lagos before but I hear some people live under the bridges there and yet we don't see a lot of them throwing themselves of it. We are very strong people who survive any means necessary because of how hopeful we are and how adaptive we are, I actually love Nigeria to an extent and God bless 9ga oooo.