The weather was stormy, an ancient one already old with time, it was dark and sinister like a haggard old witch with an evil apple. It was one of those times where over imaginative children begin to make pictures of evil scaring them so much, they go to their beds early and shut their eyes.
Though it was the high noon of the day, it was so dark that you could feel the darkness crawl on top and beneath your skin. The darkness was so thick it could be felt like a big fur blanket enveloping the world. The kind of darkness a blind man saw.
The rain was pouring heavily on the roof like little missiles and made a scratchy sound like the fingers of a thousand zombies. The streets were getting flooded and the power had already gone out due to the bad weather. The rain just kept pouring with no sign of stopping and it was so heavy that it’s impart shocked the house to its foundation.
Following the rain was a heavy thunderstorm with volts of lighting that at some moments suddenly bright up the world around and then the next second sends it to the darkness that seems eternal. And usually after that the thunder comes, booming loudly like the cry of a mountain after it’s inflicted by destruction. The noise is as blinding as much as it is deafing.
The only thing louder than the cry of the thunder and more heart-catching than the tears of the lighting was the deep wail of labour as the unknown woman cried out in pains, it seemed like the whole world cried with her and, as she shock so did the world feel her pain and shock with her. Heavy with a baby even she has no idea of its origin, she suffered in labour for the rest she had had the previous nine months.
The midwives rallied around her and urging and encouraging her to push but it seemed the more she cried, the heavier the rain became, only with the aid of a candle light did the midwives performed their operation which only made it harder. The woman with her swollen stomach tosses and turns on her delivery bed, trashing around in pains as this was no normal delivery. She had been here for eighteen hours and coincidentally the storm had lasted that long so far.
Finally they can see a head coming out as the whole ground shakes in vigorous earthquake which now makes the nurses extremely scared, the woman is now screaming in pains, unimaginable, unfathomable pain and the weather continues to get worse. At this junction, it was like the weather could not get any worse but it did, the darkness was now choked, it swallowed the candle light and the thunder, louder. The earth shock like mother earth itself was wailing and turning in her wake, most of the midwives without the stomach had left leaving only one who persisted on.
All of a sudden, the cry of a baby breaks a silence that only began as soon as the cry was let out. The pain is gone like aesthetic was administered, the rain stops like the lids to heaven was suddenly shut, the earthquake stops like mother earth was sang a lullaby and petted to sleep, the lightening stops like an ancient being cut the power, the thunder fades away so far that the cry of the baby is louder than it, the darkness fled like God suddenly shone a giant torch light at the world and it shun so glorious like the first ray of sunlight. The grass was greener and the sky was bluer and there were rainbows in it, everything was perfect and it all happened in an instance, the instant the baby cried all peace was restored and the turbulence and pestilences were gone. Coincidence, I think not.
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